Latest Update: 2022 Brush Pick Up Schedule
4/19/2022 – The brush pick up program will follow a monthly schedule again in 2022. Beginning on May 23rd, the Aurora Township Highway Department will collect brush once a month through October. The program details and full schedule can be found on the Brush Pick Up page.
Please remember that any material which does not comply with the program guidelines will not be picked up. Give the Aurora Township Highway Department a call (630-892-0246) if you have any questions.
Winter Update: 2022 Christmas Tree Pick Up
12/6/21 – Throughout January 2022, the Aurora Township Highway Department will collect Christmas trees from residents in unincorporated Aurora Township. Non-artificial Christmas trees must be undecorated and placed in the right-of-way with the cut ends toward the street. Wreaths will not be picked up. Drop-off: Any Aurora Township resident may drop off their undecorated, non-artificial Christmas tree (no wreaths accepted) at our facility at 220 Butterfield Road, North Aurora, IL. The drop off times are non-holiday weekdays, 8am until 3pm, between January 10 and February 4, 2022.
Latest Update: 2021 Brush Pick Up Completed
10/29/2021 – The Highway Department would like to thank all of the residents who participated in the 2021 Brush Pick Up program. In March 2022, we will send out letters to all eligible residents with the schedule and guidelines for next year’s program.
Mission Statement:
The mission of the Aurora Township Highway Department is to provide the best service for the lowest cost to the taxpayers of our township.
We continually work to improve the quality of life for our residents by maintaining clean, safe, hazard-free roadways, and working to provide the highest level of service, while recognizing that our employees are our most valuable asset in the delivery of these promises to the taxpayers and motorists that place their trust and well being in us.
The Aurora Township Highway Department is responsible for maintaining the streets and rights-of-way in the unincorporated portions of Aurora Township.