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Candidate Filing Information for February 25, 2025 Primary Election

LIST OF CANDIDATES FILING FOR FEBRUARY 25, 2025 PRIMARY Re: Candidate Filing Information for February 25, 2025 Primary Election Pursuant to Illinois State Statutes [10 ILCS 5/7-12(3), 10-6(4)], I hereby notify the public that this office will serve as the filing location for candidates participating in the February 25, 2025, primary election for the following township positions: Supervisor…

Senior Services Funding Available

Aurora Township is accepting applications from not-for-profit organizations and units of local government seeking $500,000 in funds for programs that benefit senior citizens. The funds are available through Aurora Township as a result of the successful March 2018 Senior Services Referendum, said Aurora Township Supervisor Bill Catching. “We look forward to supporting organizations that will allow older…

Leaf Burning Regulations

By law, Aurora Township cannot enforce Kane County’s leaf burning regulations. If you live in the City of Aurora, stricter leaf burning regulations apply. If you have questions or concerns about leaf burning, please contact the City of Aurora or Kane County depending on where you live.

Above and Beyond

Aurora Township goes beyond the minimum mandated services by providing senior and youth services for township residents. These include: Youth Services: We have a full time youth activity center with after-school programs, as well as summer programs. Our youth services staff also provides outreach and mentoring programs in the local grade schools, middle schools and high schools for…

Need a Notary?

The township has several Notaries on staff to serve you – free of charge.

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