Brush Pickup Program
The major changes implemented in 2020 are still in effect for the Aurora Township Highway Department’s Brush Pick Up Program. Beginning in May 2023 and ending in October 2023, the Highway Department will pick up brush once a month in the unincorporated areas of Aurora Township. The brush pick up guidelines below are still in effect, but residents now have six opportunities to participate.
Remember – Brush piles which do not conform to the guidelines below will not be picked up!
Purpose: The brush pick up program is designed to assist homeowners and residents with the removal of branches that have been trimmed from bushes, shrubs and trees. This program is not intended to remove debris left by a tree removal service!
Definition of brush: Branches from bushes, shrubs and trees.
We Do Not Pick Up: Thorny branches, logs, stumps, roots, grass clippings, plants, leaves, lumber or anything in bags or containers. If it can be bagged, it is considered yard waste and is not eligible for the brush pick up program.
Brush Pick up Guidelines
- You do not need to register to have your brush picked up!
- Brush must be in the right-of-way no later than 7:00 a.m. on the date brush pick up begins. The crew will only make one pass through Aurora Township each month.
- All branches must be cut into lengths not to exceed 6 feet.
- No branches larger than 6 inches in diameter will be accepted.
- All brush must be securely bundled with string or twine. No wire!
- Bundles are not to exceed 30 pounds and should be placed 1 foot apart.
- Non-conforming items will not be picked up by the Aurora Township Highway Department and are the sole responsibility of the homeowner to remove and dispose of properly.
Please remember that this program is designed for the sole use of residents of unincorporated Aurora Township to remove tree trimming debris and shall not be used by contractors and/or residents clearing lots for homes, private roads, entrances or more open space.
Dates for the 2023 Brush Pick Up Season
- May 22 – First session
- June 26
- July 24
- August 28
- September 25
- October 30 – Last session
Still have questions? Call our office (630) 892-0246.